Every company and every organization has a story to tell.
A fascinating story - if it’s told well.
Coenegracht | tekst & communicatieproducties specializes in storytelling, both online and offline. If you want people not just to notice your story but to actually read it, call me: Jules Coenegracht, copywriter and editor.
Writing is fun. It’s fun to write good advertising copy because it forces you to tap into your creativity. And it’s fun to explain a complicated subject in a way that everyone can understand.
Interviewing people is interesting. I have conducted many interviews in my career. I’ve interviewed ministers, mayors, entrepreneurs and scientists. It’s fascinating to talk to people about the work they love to do.
People say that writing for the internet is a profession unto itself. While I don’t want to exaggerate, you need to know what you’re doing - for example when it comes to SEO copywriting.
Making a good print magazine is exciting work. But you have to be aware of what you’re doing and make the right choices. We can help you with that.
Coenegracht | tekst & communicatieproducties can also provide ready-to-use communication products. Do you need a website, a series of adverts, or a complete newsletter? We can provide it.